Register with us today!

We are now open and  taking patient registrations. Please complete the form below as accurately as you can. If you would like to come in to the practice to have a look around and meet the team please do.

Has your pet been neutered?

Is your pet insured?

Previous Veterinary Practice

This section is optional/can be skipped

Has your pet been neutered?

Is your pet insured?

Previous Veterinary Practice

Please select whether you would like us to add you to our mailing list to receive additional news and information related to our practice. Data will be held in line with General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) of the United Kingdom

By signing up, your information will be used in accordance with our Privacy Policy. You confirm that you are over 18 years old and you have read and agreed to Bowland Vet's Terms & Conditions. All Data is held in compliance with the United Kingdom's General Data Protection Regulations. For more information please contact us or email

Bowland Veterinary Practice dog image


Our Hours

Monday 8am- 7pm
Tuesday 8am- 7pm
Wednesday 8am- 7pm
Thursday 8am- 7pm
Friday 8am- 7pm
Saturday 8.30am- 12.30pm

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Bowland VETS


Out of hours/emergecy services: We want to give your pet exceptional clinical care every time we see them. In order to adhere to our approved hours for trading and make sure our clinical team is offering you the very best service during opening hours, we have partnered with a dedicated out of hours emergency team at Armac Vets, just a 35 minute drive from Bowland Vets. In the future as we grow we will be reviewing our night service and will keep you posted. Whatever time of day your pet is unwell please call Bowland Vets. Outside our opening hours you will be diverted to the Armac vets emergency team.